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232 W. Main Street, Aspen, CO 81611
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Toll Free: 877-266-2466 (877-ANNA INN)
Driving Directions from Denver
Take I-70 west from Denver to exit 195.
Take Colorado Rt. 91 South to Leadville, CO. In Leadville Rt. 91 ends at the junction with CO Rt. 24.
Follow Rt. 24 South to the junction with CO Rt. 82 at Twin Lakes. Take Rt. 82 toward Aspen. (It is the only way it goes).
Rt. 82 will turn into Main St. in Aspen. Go past the downtown core and the Annabelle Inn is on your right hand side at Main St and Second.
Leadville is an old mining town and there are several restaurants that make a nice stop for lunch along your drive.
Once you are on Rt. 82, but before you get to the town (more a collection of summer cabins) of Twin Lakes you will see the trailhead for Mt. Elbert on the right hand side. Mt. Elbert is the highest peak in Colorado and requires NO technical climbing. It is regarded by many to be the easiest 14er to climb in the state.
Independence Pass (CLOSED IN WINTER!) crosses the continental divide and provides some of the most beautiful scenery one could wish for. Take a few minutes at the summit to walk and soak in the views. Even in mid-summer bring a jacket or long sleeve shirt.
Independence, the ghost town. On the way down the pass on the West (Aspen) side you will pass the Ghost Town of Independence. This is a very nice place to stop and have a bag lunch or to take a short walk to stretch the legs.
Follow I-70 all the way to Glenwood Springs.
Take CO Rt. 82 West.
Rt. 82 becomes Main St in Aspen. The hotel is on the corner of 2nd and Main on the left hand side.
Visit the Hot Springs pool. It is the world's largest hot springs pool.
Glenwood Caverns, take the tram to the top of the canyon and see the "fairy caves", there is a nice restaurant there as well.
Get your shopping done in Glenwood, as prices are generally higher in Aspen.
Gas up the tank! Gas is much more expensive here in town.